welcome to
royal rangers!
The Royal Rangers program is an activity-based, small group church ministry for boys and young men in grades K-12. Our mission is to evangelize, equip and empower the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders. We provide Christlike character formation and servant leadership development for boys and young men in a highly relational and fun environment.
The mission of Royal Rangers coincides with the mission of the church, as given by Christ in Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV) - Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
ranger groups

Ranger kids
Grades k-2
Discovery rangers
grades 3-5
The Ranger Kids Advancement Trail consists of fifteen advancement steps, organized into three sub-trails of five steps each - the Trail to the Elk, Trail to the Wolverine, and the Trail to the Cougar. The system is designed to be completed in three years, with one advancement step being completed each quarter and one annual award being earned each year. The Ranger Kids Gold Trail Award is the highest award earned in Ranger Kids and is awarded after completion of all fifteen advancement steps.
Discovery Rangers features an advancement trail that provides boys with a variety of opportunities to experience new things and have fun with their friends. Boys learn about topics such as First Aid skills, Rope Craft, Art, Fishing, or Model Rocketry. Each Discovery Rangers group chooses the topics they will study from a list of more than fifty blue skill merit options, or over two hundred skill merits of all color categories.
grades 6-8
grades 9-12
Adventure Rangers features an advancement trail that introduces boys to a variety of new skills and fun activities with their group. Boys learn about topics such as Archery, Canoeing, Photography, or Skateboarding. Each Adventure Rangers group chooses the topics they will study from a list of more than seventy green skill merit options, or over two hundred skill merits of all color categories.
Expedition Rangers features an advancement trail that provides boys with many opportunities to experience new things and have fun with their friends. Boys learn about topics such as Auto Mechanics, Fly Fishing, Rock Climbing, or Graphic Arts. Each Expedition Rangers group chooses the topics they will study from a list of more than eighty silver skill merit options, or over two hundred skill merits of all color categories.